The Kernel: This video is part of a series of videos titled ‘The Climate Playbook’. This series is the culmination of 14 months’ work to reveal the playbook behind Climate Inaction.
This Episode Two introduces the THREE (3) strategies we resort to compromise the Ideal Process. This way we can bury the harm, harm that would normally cause us to abort the appetitive/ attractant goal in an ideal process, but won’t when we manipulate this process with these strategies.
Vervaeke, J. (2019-2020). Awakening from the Meaning Crisis, YouTube Series:
Opponent Processing (additionally pointing to S1S2 in parenthesis):
Episode 30: Relevance Realization Meets Dynamical Systems Theory, https://youtu.be/Wex12GhUFqE
Episode 31: Embodied/Embedded Relevance Realization as Dynamical-Development General Intelligence, https://youtu.be/gfKcVbNd7Xc
Episode 34: Sacredness: Horror, Music, and the Symbol, https://youtu.be/KoqibFwvQJ4
Episode 35: The Symbol, Sacredness, and the Sacred, https://youtu.be/rpivf1SoEdc
Episode 42 (S1S2): Intelligence, Rationality and Wisdom, https://youtu.be/H1yDgjQdRHw
Episode 43 (S1S2): Wisdom and Virtue, https://youtu.be/EUcFqb-DxOA
Episode 45 (S1 S2): The Nature of Wisdom, https://youtu.be/DxLogRVfBv8
Episode 49: (S1S2): The Sacred Second Self – Corbin and Jung, https://youtu.be/kkykBqApP4A
Metaphysics in Chinese Philosophy (first publised 2015, revised 2019), Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/chinese-metaphysics/
Rotten series, Season 2 Episode 1 (October 2019), The Avocado War. Netflix (2019)
How to fool a baboon into showing you water, YouTube video, October 2016, https://youtu.be/CIRucMIxwM8
United States Bureau of Reclamation (USBR), Dam Safety, Section A-3: Potential Failure Mode Analysis (July 2019), https://www.usbr.gov/ssle/damsafety/risk/BestPractices/Chapters/A3-PotentialFailureModeAnalysis.pdf